July '23 updates
Alessandro Craeye on Updates
- Added stats page with additional charts to give more insights into global statistics of all documented paints on the website.
- Pie chart to show color split between all documented uploads.
- Most popular paints bar chart.
- Added a search form to lookup documented VINs. This functionality is only available for members.
- Added a VIN overview page to show all documented VINs for a given model with a specific paint. This functionality is only available for members.
- Setup member system:
- Various levels
- Permissions
- Member badges
- Membership expiry
- Major codebase updates which greatly reduces bundle filesize among other improvements.
- Code cleanup.
- Minor chart improvements (data order & alignment).
- Minor improvements to CSS animations.
- Fixed carousel indicator thumbnails stretching in Safari.
- Fixed certain special characters not being allowed in the image credit field.
- Minor font-color fix for dark theme.